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Vegetables Wild Foods

Fiddlin’ around with Fresh Fiddleheads

Fiddleheads are among the first wild delicacies to emerge each spring, slowly raising their tightly furled heads when the sun first begins to warm the soil of lowland forests, from the Great Lakes to the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Named for their resemblance to the carved end of a violin, fiddleheads have a deliciously intense flavor which has been compared to artichokes, green beans or asparagus, but which has a nutty, mossy quality uniquely its own. No other vegetable, cultivated …

Cheese Salads Vegetables

Black Lentil Salad with Goat Cheese

Black lentils, like French Green Lentils (lentilles du Puys), differ from other “garden variety” lentils in several ways.  Black lentils retain their lens-like shape and firm pleasant texture when cooked, making them a good choice for salads. They’re much smaller, too – only about 1/8th-inch or so in diameter.  Black lentils cook very quickly, requiring only about 15 – 20 minutes to cook to a pleasant ‘al dente’ consistency. The natural deep ebony color of black lentils fades to an …