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Thai Green Curry with Chicken and Fiddleheads
Asian Rice Dishes Soups & Stews Wild Foods

Thai Green Curry with Chicken and Fiddleheads

The fresh flavor of fiddleheads, that wild spring vegetable with the charming name, is distinctive, but not assertive. It’s these qualities that make fiddleheads so versatile. They can be prepared in any number of traditional ways, but they also make a fine substitute for just about any green vegetable. Think of any dish that calls for green beans, asparagus or even broccoli and use fiddleheads instead! But before you add fresh fiddleheads to your favorite recipe, they need a little …

Appetizers Salads Vegetables Wild Foods

Warm Fiddlehead Salad with Pistachios and Parmesan

While almost everyone has heard of “fiddlehead ferns,” most people think only of the Eastern fiddlehead, the ostrich fern (Matteucia struthiopteris), as edible. But there is another widely consumed wild fern, the lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina), which grows along the west coast of North America from California to Alaska. Often simply called “Western fiddleheads,” lady fern fiddleheads differ only slightly from ostrich fern fiddleheads in appearance and flavor. Both fiddleheads have a distinctly “wild” green flavor that is often compared …

Morel, Fiddlehead & Pancetta Tart, Just Out of the Oven
Appetizers Breads & Baked Goods Meat Mushrooms Wild Foods

Morel, Fiddlehead & Pancetta Tart

Fiddleheads taste like the woodlands in spring time – fresh, green and exuberantly wild. The flavor of fiddleheads is often compared to asparagus, artichokes or green beans, but such comparisons fall short. The truth is, fresh fiddleheads taste like nothing else. Only a few of the many species of ferns are considered to be edible and of those, only two or three are widely consumed. If the best known, and most eaten, is the Eastern fiddlehead, the Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia …

All Recipes Appetizers Vegetables Wild Foods

Quick Pickled Fiddleheads

Fiddleheads are one of our favorite wild spring foods.  They look cool, but taste even better. In case you’re unfamiliar with them, fiddleheads are the tightly coiled emerging shoots of certain edible ferns, the choicest of which are the ostrich fern (Matteucia struthiopteris), frequently referred to as the ‘Eastern Fiddlehead.’   While there are a number of other edible ferns, the Eastern fiddlehead is arguably the best tasting and probably the most widely available, growing wild across much of the …

Vegetables Wild Foods

Fiddlin’ around with Fresh Fiddleheads

Fiddleheads are among the first wild delicacies to emerge each spring, slowly raising their tightly furled heads when the sun first begins to warm the soil of lowland forests, from the Great Lakes to the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Named for their resemblance to the carved end of a violin, fiddleheads have a deliciously intense flavor which has been compared to artichokes, green beans or asparagus, but which has a nutty, mossy quality uniquely its own. No other vegetable, cultivated …