Showing 13 Result(s)
Appetizers Sauces & Condiments Vegetables Wild Foods

Steamed Artichokes with Ramp Aioli

For the uninitiated, cooking – and eating – an artichoke may seem like a daunting task. The prickly, tough-textured outside of the artichoke doesn’t seem particularly appetizing at first glance. After all, the artichoke is a close relative of the thistle and shares many of its characteristics. But beneath the leathery leaves of the artichoke lies a tender treasure – the sweet flesh that covers the base of each leaf and, best of all, the large meaty base or “heart” …

Ramp Vichyssoise with Crisp-fried Ramp Greens
Potatoes Soups & Stews Tips and Techniques Wild Foods

Ramp Vichysoisse with Crisp-fried Ramp Greens

Let’s just say straight off that this is not the classic version of Vichysoisse, the chilled potato-leek soup with its origins in the French cooking tradition. Instead, our version is a bit more of a backwoods country cousin, with its roots firmly planted in American soil. The origin of the soup known as Vichysoisse has been frequently debated. As the accepted story goes, it was created by French chef Louis Diat, at the Ritz-Carlton in New York in the summer …

Vegetables Wild Foods


Spring is definitely here. For the past week, anyone who walks in the door here at Earthy Delights is immediately greeted by the heady aroma of fresh, just-picked ramps.  Ramps (or wild leeks, as they are also known) are a true harbinger of spring – often the first edible plant in the wild forager’s harvest.  Many years (including this year), wild ramp shoots can be found poking up through the last crust of winter’s melting snow. Right now, it’s early spring …